Coronavirus - COVID-19
Helpline or 01494 528133
Additional pages
1. We're now at step 3 of the roadmap and the lastest rules can be found at
2. The DCAG Street Rep Comms WA group is for Covid-related posts only. There are other groups where you can post your favourite topic.
3. The Indian variant is spreading fast - it's reached Aylesbury. Keep following the rules please.
- Bucks Council has raised the possibility of needing to carry out door to door testing to identify cases of the South African variant of COVID. There is no immediate concern in Buckinghamshire, but in the event that this is needed would you have the time to help with the door to door testing, and if so, could you mobilise in a short period of time (within 10 days)? Please let me know.
- There are an increasing number of requests to publicise local announcements through our street rep network. To that end we will push these notices through the street rep chat WhatsApp group and leave the SR comms group just for Covid-related stuff. We will be encouraging more SRs to join the chat group. Vaib is the administrator for this group and will be suggesting some rules of use to try and streamline that way it operates.
- One Can Trust is requesting more donations as the demand on their services is rapidly increasing and there is concern that the possible ending of the furlough scheme will magnify the demand further. Please encourage your residents to give what they can - either food or cash, There are currently a number of collection boxes in Downley - could you let me know where there are please? and if anyone wants to set up a new collection box, please let me know so I can add it to the list.
- Please remind everyone that over 70s should now contact the NHS or their GP to get vaccinated - don't wait for a letter.
1. So we're in Tier 2 - a handy poster is attached. The tiers will be reviewed on 16th Dec
2. We're changing the names of the WhatsApp group to clarify their proper use. "Downley Street Reps" is now "DCAG Street Rep Comms" and "Street Rep Chat" is "Downley Street Rep Chat". In other words keep the DCAG Street Rep Comms for Covid-19 and related stuff, and the chat group for everything else.
3. Mince pies (honestly, this is Covid-related!). Every street will get mince pies but only if you tell us how many - I've not had much response yet.
20/6/2020: STREET UPDATE
- Warning about T&T scams. Apparently one in four tracing calls are from scammers!
- The Listening Ear service. There's not been much response so maybe you're all doing a good job! If you have any concerns about people you're chatting to, we have more expert advisors in the listening ear group. If so, contact Vaib.
- Face masks must be worn on public transport. We have been informed that people without masks have been stopped from boarding buses at the bus station.
12/06/2020: STREET UPDATE
Latest information on Coronavirus
- Previous halt on parking restrictions ends on Monday the 15th June. All parking enforcement back in place from Monday.
- A mobile corona testing unit is in High Wycombe for 3 days from 11th June. As usual go to to request a test.
- Face coverings must be worn on all buses from Monday 15th. Bus pass restrictions were lifted in March, peak/off peak, these will be back in place on Monday the 15th.
Mental Health Mates Bucks, a local peer support group for anyone affected by mental illness is now holding weekly Virtual Coffees on Wednesday evenings at 7pm held on the free online conference software Zoom. More at
Beware of scams based on the NHS Test and Trace system. Contact tracers will only call you from the number 0300 013 5000. Anyone who does not wish to talk over the phone can request the NHS Test and Trace service to send an email or text instead, inviting them to log into the web-based service at
31/05/2020: STREET UPDATE
- I guess we're all looking forward to having a barbeque with friends and family after the latest relaxation due tomorrow. However, I should point out that signs have gone up on the common asking people not to bring barbeques there due to the fire risk
- Well done to Karen Miller and her team of mask-makers who have raised over £1000 for One Can Trust.
16/05/2020: STREET UPDATE
- The latest Downley Village News is now available for download at This edition will not be distributed to every house in Downley but will be available in shops around the village for residents to collect. If you are unable to collect through being a vulnerable or self-isolating household, please ask your street rep to deliver a copy. Your street rep contact details are at If you regularly order groceries for delivery by the Co-op, you will find a copy included there.
- For those with symptoms, a Covid19 testing station will be in Amersham at the Chiltern Pools until Sunday.
- If using the household waste site, don't forget to take a utility bill with you to demonstrate residency.
- As the number of Covid19 cases declines, people are being encouraged to use their local NHS services again. A&E is very quiet at the moment - it's a good time for an emergancy!
- The UP Downley festival is promoting the growing of sunflowers for an online photo display so you need to start sowing seeds soon.
- Waste recycling for garden waste will restart from Monday 11th May and the household waste site at High Heavens is also reopening this week. There are some rules - see
1/05/2020: STREET UPDATE
- VE Day..
This is an opportunity to have a bit of a party and lift the mood of the community which might be getting a bit fed up by now! DPC will be hanging out the bunting on road signs, flower beds and the beacon and we are encouraging everyone to join in decorating their houses, take a photo and upload to Downley Community facebook page. The following national activities are taking place:
a. 2 minutes silence at 11am
b. Nations Toast at 3pm
c. There's a Singalong on Fri 8th May at 9pm -
d. Download a party pack to celebrate at home - Green waste bins will now be collected again starting from 11th May.
- Covid-19 testing has been expanded to everyone with symptons that is over age 65 or a non-home worker . See
Top Notes Choir have recorded the song ''Whispering Hope'' (the link is ).
DCAG are starting to organise the provision of personal protective equipment (PPE) to all those who deliver to vulnerable households and that includes the provision of face masks. While not currently mandatory, it is starting to be recommended (including by the BMA at the last count) and we don't want to wait until it becomes impossible to buy them.So the plan is to start making reusable cloth masks from spare materials that people have at home. We are calling on all those who can sew and follow a pattern (preferably those with a sewing machine) to volunteer to make a few masks - we could need several hundred eventually. A rough guideline on what we're looking for can be found at Please circulate this to as many likely candidates that you know. Willing volunteers should contact and we will put you in contact with Catherine Smith of Downley Makers who is leading this effort.
24/4/2020: STREET UPDATE
- VE Day 8th May - We encourage you to join in the commemoration of the 75th anniversary including the Nation's Toast at 3pm ( ) and displaying Great British Bunting (
- There have been requests on where to find the online reporting tool for the Police. For significant or persistent breaches of COVID-19 measures, report to: - Downley Village News articles are still needed. Examples include
- "new things I never thought I would be doing",
- What's the strangest video call you've been on?
- photos such as queues at Tesco, mask wearers, crowded woods - anything that looks different because of the epidemic..
- It's still really difficult to get this information out to residents if they don't sign up with street reps, so everyone please make an effort to cajole non-responders to respond! See attached
- Chinese Lanterns. We repeat, do not buy these things!
DCAG now has a Youtube channel. See the the latest video at
- DCAG have worked very closely with our Disraeli neighbours to assist them in establishing the Disraeli Coronovirus Community Support Group (DCCS). They can be contacted on
- Both DCAG and DCCS are now formally part of the Government's Local Hub Support Operation and we will handle all such requests for support
- Both One Can Trust and our own Downley & Disraeli Food Bank (hosted by the Pastures Church) continue to need donations of appropriate food (see their websites for specific details of latest needs) and financial support
- Everyone's mental health remains a key issue - for support please refer to
- With the extended lockdown announced, teenagers are going to be more bored and irritable than usual, for which you have our sympathy. However, please try to prevent them congregating in large groups. Our local police are stepping up patrols to try to prevent this. You can report transgressions on 101 but not trivial ones please.
- All Downley streets now have a Street Rep! Could all residents please make yourselves known to them.
- Coop delivery scheme working well - if the number is engaged please keep trying. Please try & phone in orders between 8am & 4pm (as evenings tend to get much busier - 01494 526179)
- DCAG are temporarily assisting Starlight Stores deliver their VegBoxes (online ordering only system at Please also continue to support Downley News, Tara's News and Downley Express where possible
- Any volunteers who wish to help village wide please register with DCAG at
- Downley Pharmacy are happy for residents to request volunteers to collect medicines for them. Please contact your street rep and provide name, address and date of birth.
- The Downley Village News is requesting articles from villagers for the forthcoming issue in May (deadline 30th April). How is the Covid19 lockdown affecting you? Have you had it? Do you have any good photos? What are the kids doing during their enforced holiday? Be imaginative! Snd to
The Co-Op in Plomer Green Lane, Downley has commenced a delivery service supported by volunteers to deliver groceries to vulnerable or elderly residents who have no other means if shopping. If you are a resident in need please contact your nearest street rep who may be identified by clicking on the "List of Street Reps" link at the top of this page.
To find out how the delivery service works click here to see a description of the service or go to the resources page link shown above.
If residents wish to have medicines collected on their behalf, "Medicines Collection Service" is availably in your street. Residents should call their nearest street rep to see if a volunteer is available. Remeber to provide your name, address and Date of birth to the pharmacy volunteer who will be visiting the pharmcy for you.
Details are available on the Resources Page.
Grays Lane lower 1-37 |
Hillfield Close |
Langley Close |
The Pastures |
If you're thinking of setting up a COVID19 support group in your street, the COVID19 Acton has developed some guidance on what to consider. This is a preliminary effort and any local organisers should contact with any suggestions for improvements.
Downley Parish Council's emergency committee has issued this guidance for how people in Downley can help to protect themselves and their vulnerable neighbours from infection with Covid 19 coronavirus infection.
- Information sources
The primary reliable source of information is Not all information from newspapers, television or particularly social media is reliable so check with the above source. If you (or a neighbour) are not online, then ask someone who is, to print it for you.
Other useful information is at
a. UK Government Response
b. Map tracking confirmed infections
Remember that this is a changing situation and official guidance will change in the coming weeks, so make sure you keep up to date. The Downley emergency committee will also update its plan as required which is available on
The following sections describe what we in Downley can do help ourselves. - Downley Support Network
At the basic level, every household should contact their neighbours for 2 houses on each side and swop phone numbers in case you are forced to self-isolate. Some areas of Downley may already have formed ad-hoc neighbourhood groups or "street associations" in which case ensure that you know how communicate with each other by phone, email, text, WhatsApp etc. Use the cards opposite if people are out.
Be aware that in the event of a power cut, your connection to the internet and mobile network lasts only as long as the battery. Make sure you have a phone that connects to a landline.
We ask that a representative from each group provide contact details to the emergency committee at to enable the Parish Council to distribute critical information. - Households in self-isolation
Those who are exhibiting symptoms including high temperature and a new continuous cough currently should self-isolate in their own homes and the over-70s and vulnerable may be asked to do so in the coming days. These households should contact their neighbours and/or neighbourhood group to let them know.
Self-isolators will need access to basic necessities including food, household essentials and medicines. If you can order these online for delivery please do so. If delivery times are excessive or you are not online please contact your neighbour or local group for assistance with shopping, medical appointments etc. We would ask residents to check regularly on those who self-isolating to see if they are in need of assistance – see postcards to the right.
Prescriptions will be available from Downley Pharmacy which can either deliver or has an automated collection system available for third parties to collect from. Residents may wish to switch their designated pharmacy to Downley.
Downley Parish Council Emergency Committee 17th March 2020