Report a problem
Bucks Roadworks Centre
- 0845 2302882
- Website
WDC Waste & Recycling
- 01494 421415
WDC (Wycombe District Council)
Overflowing bins - WDC
- 01494 421415
Stray dogs - WDC dog warden
- 01494 421723
Fly-tipping - WDC
- 01494 421415
Potholes - Bucks CC Highways dept
- 0845 230 2882 or at
- tfb(at)
Faulty streetlights - Ringway Jacobs (Contractors for BCC)
- 0845 2302882
Abandoned cars - WDC
- 01494 421415
Parking problems - WDC
- 01494 421417
Police non-emergency
- 0845 8505505
- Website
Information about your neighbourhood officers and PCSOs with latest updates.